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The O.D.S.T. Conspiracy

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The O.D.S.T. Conspiracy Empty The O.D.S.T. Conspiracy

Post  Gen Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:53 am

The O.D.S.T. Conspiracy

Prologue The Hunters

December 11,2550 Military calender

2100 hours

Sol System: Planet Earth

Underground tunnel: Route 66

A Desert Camo. warthog glided over broken pieces of asphalt as they accelerated faster and faster reaching up to speeds more than one hundred miles on the route 66 underground highway. Long vines from the top of the ceiling were lightly anchored on the ground, quickly swaying toward the direction of the warthog as it sped by. Most of them being ran over by Mark resulting in a grueling noise as it squishes under the 1-ton vehicle. The architect on the walls was magnificent soaring above maybe 30 feet high max. As it was the same design as the Colosseum’s aqua ducts, except for the fact that every few miles they saw holes about 10-ft in diameter in the sides of the tunnel. Worried, as they heard loud guttural sounds as they drove past the unilluminated holes, surveying their surroundings.

Driving in the Warthog was Mark, the best driver and sniper in the Corp. of the UNSC. On the Gauss turret was Adam, the heavy-weapon specialist on the team. Finally in the passenger seat was Kyle, The Communication expert and Tech. They drove light and quick, on their refitted Recon warthog, trying to reach the covenant camping post. Mark got on a straight away and hauled ass, flooring the gas pedal, he drove up ramp-like piece of asphalt rising in the air. Gradually falling with a large thump as he landed on all four wheels. He took a hard left, then hit the emergency brake pulling into a donut as the tires squealed with high volume. The warthog stops abruptly and the right side of the wheels immediately stopped, having the G force push it. The warthog was inches from tipping over. Marc yelling “Oh ****!” numerous times as Kyle looking wide-eyed as the ground getting closer to the ground, while Adam is holding on to his life on the Gauss turret. He takes a left again straining the engine and lands on all fours, yet again.

With the warthog back on all fours relieved and scared ****-less. Marc then looks at his squad giving about 2 seconds each: holy crap let’s do that again. Kyle then spotted something “Look, over there. You see?” Kyle immediately pulled out his M7BR and aimed, he saw quick movement and fired a quick and crisp three round burst fire toward his unidentified target. Shwoosh was all they heard. . . . “What the hell was that.” Kyle asks idocticly knowing that his teammates had no clue either. He then looks to his left as where he heard the noise again and fired another 3 round burst from the rifle, “Holy Crap, What was that.” A slimey, Long tentacle flew over them about 5 feet about the front end of the vehicle making Mark changing the gear to reverse and hit the pedal. Adam fires numerous amounts of rounds from the Gauss attempting to scare it away, “Gun it. Mark gun it!” Mark changed gear, took a right and floored it looking back at the hole. He then made a sharp U-turn burning the tires but managed to pull it off. “Adam fire at whatever Kyle sees.” Mark looking worried at the sight of the huge Beast sighs as he realizes he can trust his team.

“Got it Sir.” A large Yellowish tentacle grabbed Kyle around the waist. Adam was quite frightened and blank out for a moment there. So Mark took immediate action pulling out Adam’s Chaingun firing a flurry of lead, driving forward and yelling, “Shoot it! dang-it shoot it!” Adam threw away his fears and opened fired yelling vigorously. Kyle made a last resort effort of trying to reach his gun. Almost.. Almost got it. “What the heck is that” Mark yells keeping the Warthog steady and aiming the gun trying to to hit Kyle. Looking up every so often. Kyle was lifted in the air, he grabbed his Battle rifle and opened fired at the Tentacle he then stucked the barrel into the open wound and fired again having the Beast let our a cry, The tentacle tensed back but returned position trying to squeeze the human to death. Adam did the same as Kyle but more effectively pushing back the tentacle having it cry and bleed more and more.
Kyle still in the air knew his rounds weren’t doing much so he pulled out his 8' “HardNeck” Military knife and stabbed repeatedly . Making it spew out countless gallons of Yellow-like blood. The tentacle retreated back from where it came from letting out a disgruntled moan, and let Kyle go, dropping him from about 20 feet high. Mark looked up, saw him screaming. He pulled a turn having his seat right under him. Adam was petrified that his teammate and friend that he and Marc knew since they were children was gonna die. Kyle acted quickly since his height was dropping quickly. He pulled out his Python Colt pistol and shot himself in the head piercing through his jet black helmet entering out the other side, probably through his temple. Red blood flew everywhere over the warthog like a blood bath. The Beast came back with it’s tentacles, came back grabbed Kyle’s limb and pale body and retreated back into it’s hole, ripping and tearing then noises echoing through the tunnel leaving the two survivors speechless. Mark hit the gas pedal again toward the hole and fired numerous sniper rounds into the hole just hearing the rounds ricocheting off the walls.

Mark looked back at the hole then to Adam. “He’s at a better place Adam. It’s the best for him.” Mark then fixture his concentration on the road undoubtedly pissed. Adam then said while staying alert for the tentacles again. “ I know mate, but it’s just that he was on the first day out in the field, the rookie.” “I know how it feels Adam I know.” Mark then hauled it oh the straight away. Two dark figures appeared in front of the vehicle coming out of a hole on the side of the tunnel, dripping some sort of ooze. Mark then hits the brakes immediately, resulting in them almost flying out the front of the vehicle. “What is that? O snaps it’s the Covenant gun it!” Mark was petrified at the shaded figure since they were a towering 12 feet tall, carrying a shield in one hand and a cannon in the other. It charged its cannon ready to fire. “Go Mark go now! Floor it!” Adam fires immediately at the Shaded figure blowing it back a few feet per shot. Its cannon depleted. It let out as nasty growl.

The other figure rammed us on the side revealing it self, Hunters. The Warthog managed to tip over, Adam seriously injured due to the side of the turret smashing his left bone. He pulled himself out arming himself with an M7BR. Mark did the same, also getting his M121 Compressed Sniper rifle. Carefully watching out as the Hunters fired their cannons at us. He realizes that they can destroy the fuel tank and have them all burn a fiery hell. He sprints across onward to Adam’s position. “We have to move away from the vehicle, The fuel tank.” Adam got the memo. He got the bullets to his Beretta sidearm, grenades and extra rounds for his and Marks. M7AB. They ran toward a ditch, Mark jumped in first and Adam trailed behind.

The Hunters realized their actions and moved smashing the vehicle in the front, permanently disabling it. The warthog span and showed the fuel tank toward the ditch. Mark got up to check on the Hunters position. He yells! As they are only about 5 feet away. He saw the fuel tank, “Adam stay down and cover your ears” “Got it” he replies. Mark takes out his Battle rifle, steadies his concentration and fires the three rounds. Boom! The tank exploded pushing the Hunters with so much force that they flew over the ditch landing in a blood bath of their orange blood.


Chapter I The Debriefing

May 26,2551 Military calender

0600 hours

Reach Flagship

“All right men, your mission is to aid the UNSC Marines in the battle of Mombasa IIX. You will be doing the same routine, but since the LZ are too hot for the Pelican to drop you in the Reach will drop you.”

“Sir, isn’t that suicide? More than 20% of us die when we are dropped from a Pelican and we’re drop from 30,000 feet from ground.” Everybody start having their own conversations as more rumors spread. Considering that it possibly will be a suicide mission.

“Your right trooper, so I don’t suspect all of you volunteering.” The general announced. The other marines started backwards not wanting to risk their lives. Mark and Adam was still stunned that they will want us to do it. “I’ll go!” An O.D.S.T. Trooper said. Everybody else’s heads turn to get a good glimpse at the “idiot” Mark then took a step forward with the O.D.S.T. trooper named Rebecca. “Me too ill join” Mark thinks “wow a female actually got in this program . . . It took him long enough to get in himself. Adam then whispers toward Marks direction “Are you nuts? It’s suicide!” “No.” Mark replies “Im a Trooper.”

Adam then looks at him in disgust, remembering all the times he and Mark protected each other. Especially in the tunnel with the Tentacles. He then steps forward himself “Same here Sir, Im going too.”

“All right, so it’s just the three of you eh?” The general confirmed. Then more and more Troopers realized how they all helped them, three more finally stepped over, Jason, Kelly and John. “Make that two” “All right. Mark, you Rebecca and Adam will be Alpha Squad with you in charge. Jason, you, Kelly, and John will be Beta Squad and you with be in charge. Understood?”

“Sir, yes, Sir” The six of them said in unison then trailed away to their individual lockers to get suited up. Mark and Rebecca got their first. “ So Rebecca, you new?” She was a medium height slender brunette Mexican.

“Nope, I’ve been with the UNSC for eight years and four were with the O.D.S.T.” “Dang!” Mark thought. He’s only been in t he UNSC for five years and three of them were with the O.D.S.T..

Jason and his squad knew each other since highschool. They all enlisted in the UNSC after they finished. And were friends since. Jason was and excellent Rifleman, He was a medium build at 5"11. Kelly was slim and skinny, but very athletic. She was the best scout and runner in the UNSC. John was the marksman. He and Mark were the best. They were all ready with extra ammo in their hip pouches, and their 3-inch kevlar armor, more than a 1 inch Platinum and copper alloy.

They got their debriefing from the same General, Ed, . “Well troopers, you will be dropped from Reach about 400,000 miles from ground. We refitted your pods to substance the pressure and to not burn up in the atmosphere. You will be dropped at around Zulu point. You will then head due North toward the UNSC marine encampment. You will feel weird after you hit ground, and I have one last thing to say. If you don’t want to continue please steps out of the room.” It was quite, everyone was looking at each other thinking if anyone would wuss out. No one did. The General continued. “Ok, then troopers, godspeed.” They left quickly, thinking how the mission would go. A complete fiasco or a job well done. Who knows, they all might die.

Chapter II The Drop Pods

May 26, 2551 Military calendar

2200 hours

Drop pod silo, Reach Flagship.

Alpha and Beta squad both got in the drop ships while General Ed is outside waving. He fires the mechanism and they blow out of the side of the ship towards Mombasa IIX. Mark over the com “Well guys good luck and see ya at the UNSC encampment, Be prepared from some turbulence while we enter the atmosphere. 10-4 over and out.” Mark sighs as he drops towards the Planet at over five hundred miles per hour.

Jason his closing his eyes and hums trying to keep away from the walls due to his claustrophobia. Adam is scared ****-less as he looks at the speedometer, as it reaches over five “**** “Guys my feet are burning and my bones are getting weaker, how much longer, holy crap a loose bolt” “a few more minutes, just calm down.” Jason replied.

“Holy ****, my bones are snapping No!!! No please not my other one no!, guys its getting hot and my femurs snapped, please help

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The O.D.S.T. Conspiracy Empty Re: The O.D.S.T. Conspiracy

Post  Gen Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:54 am

“Holy ****, my bones are snapping No!!! No please not my other one no!, guys its getting hot and my femurs snapped, please help me im suffering please!” Adam screeched out as he sobs.

“How the hell, did that happen, anyways ok Adam this is Mark. There is a container on the side with a syringe and I want you to place that in the artery that is most visible, preferably the one in your arm. Then your gonna tighten your arm, using the rubber thing, about 2 inches above where your gonna place it. Then your gonna stick it in and push down the liquid slowly if not you’ll die. Got it?”

“Hold on, tell me again step by step. I opened the container... what the hell its not in here! It’s not there man stop playing with me”

“Mark, we are 20 minutes away from the LZ”

“Thanks, Rebecca. What do you mean its not their Adam keep looking.” “It’s not being there? It should be... I hope it just dropped somewhere.”

“Dude im ****** serious, its not here!...” Adam replied sobbing knowing that he’s gonna die. “Ill miss you guy’s”

“No don’t do it Adam, drop the gun! Don’t do it” Mark hitting the walls knowing he can’t do nothing to save his friend. “John talk him out of this, John!”

“Im sorry mate im scared too, im freaking claustrophobic and im in a god***** chamber. Im sorry.” John replies crying as he couldn’t help anyone either. Bang! “No Adam, no please don’t go” Mark yells out into the intercom. Banging the doors Kelly then says “it’s ok, It’s the best for him” The best for him, Marc thinks... He told him those exact words... when Kyle died.. “I guess it truly is the best for him.” He did know the consequences. I can’t believe I let him do this. It’s all my fault, if I hadn’t step up he wouldn’t of either im Freaking stupid. Shut up!! I have to pull it together. For Adam! Mark killed that train of thought knowing, it wasn’t no ones fault. Mark then prayed for Adam, thinking This mission is a failure without him. No it isn’t. You can do it Mark. It’s Destiny.

“1 minute till impact” Rebecca announces tearing up as well. The rest of the minute felt like forever for them. to reach land. Mark hits land first waiting for Adam’s pod to land. It crashed into the ground above 2 feet deep. It opened up, he saw Adam and gaged. Looking at his teammate, his friend’s death. The others landed right after Mark did. They all mourned him and made him a grave with a headstone on his tags, helmet and weapon.

“Any words?” Asked Jason, “Im sorry, mate that you had to go through this... I loved like a brother, you were like family, may god bless you... rest in peace.... im done..” Marc walked away with his wrist wiping his tears. Thinking im sorry mate. “Well ladies and Gents” Mark yells as he is getting suited up for combat. “John I want you to provide covering fire as Rebecca and Kelly meet up with the encampment. Jason you and I, will be running to halfway to provide more cover fire. Then John you will meet up with us, and the three of us will recon to base. Understood?”

“Sir, Yes, Sir!... For Adam!” The four of them yelled in Unison.. Mark stands up proud trying to hold back his tears smiling, “For Adam.” Rebecca and Kelly reached halfway up a hill, intrigued by the beautiful grass, as it was a light hue of green. They looked up and saw the deep blue sky, with Monstrous Fowls soaring over the clouds. They finally reach the hill and was heart broken as the ground was blown multiple times. It was a dark shabby gray, The military encampment was in fire, people screaming around trying to put out the fire. The Covenant Air raiding it with their Banshees leaving none alive.

Mark and Jason were baffled as they didn’t progress towards the base. John finally caught up to them to provide cover fire. The moment he got up there it was hell. The place was burning down, being pillaged and taken over by the Covenants. They were too late. Jason and Mark raced up there to see what was such a sight. He thought the worst case scenario. Hell. When he reached up the top he saw Kelly and Rebecca with out their helmets and they were crying and John tearing up. “What’s the matter guys... Oh my God. We were too late. . . Well, they is nothing we can do to prevent it, now suit up get all the ammo you can carry, We are here to kick some Covenant Ass.”

Chapter III The Heroes

May 26, 2551 Military calendar

2350 hours

Drop pod landing Zone, Mombasa IIX

Mark and Jason split up the groups having Kelly, John and Rebecca as Beta group. Mark and Jason as Alpha. “Alright, Beta group you will head over to the encampment searching for survivors, Me and Jason will take out the Covenant encampment, got it?” “Yes, Sir.” Mark ran down the hill with Jason trailing on him hold his M7BR against his chest. They stopped briefly after encountering some Grunts. They silently exterminated them without alerting the rest. They passed them and dropped prone keeping out of sight of the overhead banshees. Mark then motioned for Jason to move on as he provided cover. Mark then moved on to his position decapitating the Grunts along the way.

Kelly ran down the right side of the hill going toward the encampment, John quickly followed watching their back. John stayed out sniping the Covenant, mostly Grunts. Kelly and the squad moved to an barricade about 20 meters out from the base. John concentrated his fire and gasped. He looked down on his hands bloodied by an energy sword that pierced through his heart. His body went limb after a few seconds as the two girls realized it. Rebecca fire at the handle of the sword revealing and Elite, towering at 8 feet with a mouth as big as her fist. It yelled out a roar as Rebecca opened fired at it. Kelly then came to her as but was then petrified as Rebecca was sliced in half, from her waist up. Kelly ran towards Mark and Jason terrified as her squad died in a matter of minutes, she hopped over fox holes and bodies. Gagging once or twice.

Mark turned trying to see how Beta squad was progressing, and he saw Kelly running towards him horrified. He looked trying to find the other two, but found them massacre on the floor a few feet behind Kelly. He ran toward with millions of questions in his head. Thinking how they all died. He was close to Kelly as he heard Jason yelling “Duck! Banshee!” Mark couldn’t understand him and looked towards Kelly. A banshee then zoomed hitting Kelly at her ribs crashing into a rock, shattering her bones. Mark then tried running to her as the Banshee blew up in to a huge plasma explosion, desinagrating her from the face of this world. He looked in amazement as it happened so quick, his emotions were booming from being mad to sad. He was then tackled by Jason who ran all this way, saving him from another banshee trying to kamikaze him, giving him the same hell Kelly went through. The banshee turned around quickly as Mark had his hands covering his head. Jason then stood up Shooting at the banshee, it was then destroyed as he fired his last three round burst exploding it having the debris almost decapitating him. Jason was mystified as what came out of the Banshee, it wasn’t an Elite and it couldn’t have been a grunt, what he saw was an ape like creature a few feet taller then him. He was probably getting delusional from all the killing and exploding he shook his thought away and helped Mark up. Mark got up crazed about the explosions as well. Trying to remember what happened, The Beta group died... They were the true heroes.

Chapter IV Stand up Comedy

May 27, 2551 Military calendar

0150 hours

Barren outlands, Mombasa IIX

He refitted his stuff making sure he was ready, for revenge. They hauled ass straight towards the UNSC “regs” encampment and found nothing but blood baths and blood baths, they left no mercy. They surveyed the field checking for enemy Covenant, none. The rushed across not looking back with they gun perched on their chest pushing back. They reach a foxhole and jumped in immediately taking cover and staying imminent. They surveyed the area and found the Covenant encampment close ahead. Jason got up and out and looked at Mark both knowing what to do. Enemy fire! Jason was shot repeatedly and Mark watched, he gained back his senses pulling him down and unleashed a flurry of rounds into the right-foot enemies. Watching they toppled upon each other living their last moments. Mark focused on Jason not knowing what to do as he was burned from the plasma products.

He ripped off his jet black O.D.S.T. armor checking if it went through and he didn’t he was relieved, he told Jason the good news even though he was in great pain. Mark was confused as he didn’t know what was wrong. He made Jason put his armor back on, then he saw his legs were full of Needler spikes. Mark crawled back against the wall afraid as they were to exploded. Jason looked up as he didn’t realize it him self. He prepared for the pained and ripped them out one by one as he was confronting true pain. He then placed pressure on it with the help of Mark who returned to his senses again then filling it with a medic concrete foam to reduced bleeding.

He let Jason rest for a few giving some time to rest as he was sniping Elites, Grunts and Jackals with his personal M121 CSR. He steadied his aim sucking in all the air and fired at an Elite having it drop in a dead thud, leaking out blue blood from its wound in it’s head. The kig-yars (Jackals) around it looked at the body frightened. They placed their energy shield up and armed themselves with plasma pistols, they found their target. Mark, being bombarded by plasma products and Grunts as they started to throw plasma grenades on his position leaving deep and glassy holes around him. He, still under cover, looked at Jason still crippled, and thought quickly. He grabbed his MAR8 Assault rifle ans started to concentrate his fire till he realized it wasn’t a sniper. He dropped down behind cover thinking how he will do this. Got it. He threw a frag over the Covenant progressing on to his position to distract them, as they looked back at the explosion frightened. He pulled out his sniper rifle as well duel wielding both the Assault rifle and the CSR. He let out a volley of bullets with the assault rifle gunning down the first wave then started to fire down rounds of .391 sniper rounds decimating their numbers quickly. The remaining Grunts ran away in fright and Mark threw down the assault rifle grabbing precise aim with his sniper. Concentrating. . . . boom, he dropped down the grunts one by one in a leaving a bloody trail of blue to green like blood. Ending the quick skirmish.

Jason got up still crippled but able to moved, he reloaded his gun curios and looked at Mark, he smiled a small grin. Jason got up right next to Mark as he was still on watch. He surveyed seeing noting but dead bodies. He looked at Mark again, with another small grin. Jason laughed as if it was like stand up comedy.

Chapter V The Experiment

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The O.D.S.T. Conspiracy Empty Re: The O.D.S.T. Conspiracy

Post  Gen Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:55 am

May 27, 2551 Military calendar

0300 hours

Outer UNSC encampment, Mombasa IIX

Mark went out the foxhole checking the area as he motioned Jason to catch up. They stayed close to the ground eliminating all threats. They stuck to the shadows as the Heavy sun was coming up. Lights were everywhere even though it was Dark. After being about 2 meters away from the encampment, they were suppressed by shade turrets. They ducked down staying far aprat from each other at least being able to have one person lived. The shades found Jason as they were glassing the sand around him as he was temporarily buried in a pile of dirt. Mark threw a Frag knocking over the shade and blowing the Grunt inside to pieces. The second shade about 50 feet from the first payed it’s attention toward Mark. Mark couldn’t do nothing as he watched Jason lay a wave of rounds piercing the thin sheet of metal killing the Grunt with multiple wounds. Jason then looked up with a smile towards Mark. They regrouped at the destruction of the turrets, staying constant watch on the Elites inside. Jason got one side of the door and Mark the other. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 Go. Jason threw a flash bang blinding the Covenant and Mark using his Hardneck knife killing them immediately by cutting them up at their major arteries having them bleed to death. Jason then pulled out his Assault rifle gunning down the Kig-yars from above. Mark checked out the control rooms shutting down their power. They then placed on their NVG’s to be a able to see in Unlightened areas. He motioned Jason to regroup with him, “you hear that?”

“Yea what is it? Wait i’ll check it out.” Jason aiming his rifle at the door as he motioned that he will open it, they heard a muffled sound. Mark pulled out his Python colt 9mil and centered it at the door. Jason pushed open the door as he jump back finding containers full of flood parasites and deranged monsters.

“These... creatures resemble the Elites doesn’t it?” Mark replies as he places his hand on the glass. The creature came to life banging the glass sending Mark back in fear. Jason laughs at Mark at his foolishness. “He can’t get out Mark its plexi-glass” The creature continued to bang till it realized it was no use. It then started to transform into something with huge arms, and a long neck. “Oh my god-” The glass that held Creature broke in millions of pieces having step out a giant, a 12 foot giant.

“Oh my god it’s a Infected hunter!” Mark ran out waiting for Jason “come on hurry up mate!” Jason open fired at the Flood creature pushing it back a few inches at a time. Jason out of ammo ran to the door, at the last second the creature extended it’s arm pulling on Jason’s leg squeezing it with it’s strength. Jason etched out the last few feet and Mark slammed the door shut amputating the arm, spewing out yellow-brown goo, the same color of the creature. The arm then deflating as the liquid bleed out. The monster vigorously pound at the door denting it more and more. Mark petrified as he thought he life was over pulled a gun to his head.

“It’s not over yet you idiot” Jason yelled, unrelieved that Mark is now acting up at the worst possible minute. The banging then stopped abruptly, them finally relieved. They curiously placed their ear against the newly dented steel door and listened. They heard crashing noises and squealing. “The other experiments!” Mark yelled out... “we got to get in there.” Jason nodded and reloaded his weapons and checking them for any faults. None. They unholstered their pistols, Jason with his 9mm Beretta and Mark with his Python colt. Mark entered first knocking down the door with squishing sounds, he surveyed the area. Clear, he motioned for Jason to move on, he did.

“All the glasses, they are broken....” Mark said steppign over shards of glass. So much for the plexi-glass..., he chuckles as Jason was mystified at his amusement...

“There it is!” Jason fired his .328 rounds at the monster now having more parasites attached, A Grunt walking in the Room from the other door fell down as he looked at the flood’s head. He got up and rushed to the Alarm. It blared out piercing both Jason’s, Marks and the Monster’s ears. The monster look at the Alarm and extended an arm crushing it. Jason and Mark still frightened to see the Monster’s height growing rapidly, they opened fire piercing hole penetrating its skin if it had one.. Mark thought The monster ignore them and chased the grunt out through the door.

“The parasite will grow, we need to kill it!” Jason exclaimed pacing back and forth trying to think. The mac orbital strike can take it out! “Mark help me turn the power back on so we can call in Truth to have them use the Mac gun to blow this place to pieces.” Mark nodded in approval, even though they were gonna do it anyways. They returned through the busted down door and returned the power, raising the gears slowly next to the Alien computers. Wonder how they got so smart. . . . They changed the frequency to the one entwined onto Truth.

“These is Master Sargent Jason Guzman, I am on planet Mombasa IIX, me and Mark Calloway are the only survivors. We request immediate Mac support.”

Truth Flagship...

Truth Flagship

May 27, 2551 Military calendar

0510 hours

“Sir we have a comm ray over at Mombasa IIX, they say request immediate Mac support” A L.CPL. Replied as he received a comm link, looking at General Ed waiting to see if he can blow up some Covies.

“What’s their names?” General Ed asks as if the Mission was a complete fiasco.

“M.SGT. Jason G. And Mark C. . . .”

“Approved. . . time for some action son.” The General answered back with a small grin.

Chapter VI The Mac guns

May 27, 2551 Military calendar

0540 hours

Covenant out post, Mombasa IIX

“M.Sgt.! You have 1 Minute after you laser the place up to get the hell out. Over and out 10-4.” The L.CPL. on Truth answered.

One minute?! Jason grabbed Mark immediately and ran trying to get out. Mark then got the memo and started to laser target the area starting their one minute hell. They stumbled across a hallway looking behind them to see the Flood Monster behind them. It extended it’s arm grabbing Mark. Jason about 3 feet ahead look back and thought what he had to do, earn his Debt. He duel wielded both Mark’s sniper that he dropped and his Battle rifle gunning down the Monster full of lead rounds. It drew its attention toward Jason throwing Mark down.

“Mark run!, you only have 30 seconds now run I got this.” Mark sprinted out the door not look back, with his helmet have broken revealing himself crying. He pulled out the pistol and surveyed the next hallway. Clear. He ran towards the door looking back. 20. . . 19 . . . His time was running out he fired repeatedly at the monster enraging it squeezing Jason. 10 . . . 9 . . . He said his goodbyes and rushed out the door. 3 . . 2 . . 1 . .

“Send me off with a bang you b******” Jason lastly yelled

He jumped into the nearest ditch protecting him self looking up in the sky as Laser like meteors showered the encampment. Burning up the whole place. He shielded his eyes watching his only partner burning up and hearing the wretched demon burning in fiery depths of Flood hell. He placed the beacon and after 10 minutes a pelican drop ship came down.

“Anyone else?” The pilot said? Seeing that the answer was probably no due to the “last” survivor was “beaten” up

Mark looked back and saw and O.D.S.T. trooper walking, wounded but walking. “Get me a medic!” He rushed towards the figure so happy as he realized Jason was still alive. The medics came with a stretcher and lied him down due a through check. He looks at Mark smiling through his bashed up helmet. Jason pulls out a gun and fires toward him, Mark ducked as he didn’t know what happned to Jason. He turned seeing the giant 8 foot elite toppling over him with a bullet through his head, wielding an Energy sword ready to assassinate him.

“Now you owe me!” Jason said with a chuckle, lieing his head down on the stretcher, with Mark running up looking back every so often scared crap-less.

Part Two

“The War has just begun......”

To Be continued

This Story does relate to Halo but does not tie into it’s time line ®


GEN afro

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The O.D.S.T. Conspiracy Empty Re: The O.D.S.T. Conspiracy

Post  Andy51 Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:10 pm

really good lol!!!


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Join date : 2009-02-01

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